Friday, May 26, 2006

Just got the message

Sorry, folks, but I had gotten the message somehow that blogging was OUT. In any case it is fine, since I am usually precociously two or so years behind everyone else. Does that make sense? Who has time to make sense?

I have been on a whirlwind tour of my past and my favorite hobby, San Francisco in the 90's. Correction: MY San Francisco in the 90's. People have come out of the woodwork and somehow, it is all working out. Today, for instance, the Bronzo called midday to see what was up. I was free, just reading magazines. I showered quickly and hopped in the noisy red truck ready for a short SF adventure. Sandwiches at Molinari's, a phone call from each member of Oakland's newest power couple, giving me the updates, working in and reinforcing the new jokes, ultimately, a window shopping walk around sunny North Beach, back in the truck before the meter ran out.

On a whim, we drove up to Telegraph Hill in pursuit of those famous parrots. At the base of the first stairway, we came upon a well-equipped tourist brandishing her Mark Bittner book and stylish binocs. The Bronze befriended her, inviting her to walk along together in search of the cherryheads. After only a little huffing and hoofing, we found them all, sitting mostly in pairs in the lofty branches of an enormous tree, grooming each other, singing, looking like parrots. Success always feels good, you just have to learn to see it everywhere. So we saw the parrots and I spent time with Bronzini, whom I was beginning to think was off the list until he called at just the right time. On our way down the hill, aging indie shoegazer turned college professor called, he and his wife will be in town next week.

Now it is just before six in the morning on Friday and after a fitful night's sleep, it's time for my ride up to hippytown. I bet she is still asleep..

Friday, May 12, 2006


Botanicals in Brooklyn.

WTF? is something I think in my head all the time. Not what it spells out, but the letters and their meaning. And the indignant question mark. I love it.

Real estate was getting wacky crazy by the time I left two days ago. I caught a glimpse of this magical time called Summer that people in real estate talk about. BIZNESSE! That spelling is a nod to my friend, whom I'll simply refer to as the Baby.

But back to real estate. Bringing you all up to date, the deal with the corporate lawyer from Philly finally went through, after they made her wait two weeks and put down a total of $12,600 in security deposit (for ONE blip on her credit report which was restored three years ago). The lease was dated as she requested, which meant I got paid just before I left to get on the plane. Sweet! I also had time to drop off the gift I got for her before departing for my West Coast Oddyssey, and yes, I mean to spell it that way.

The deal I had pending with the three Greek kids from Long Island (and not even the posh part) fell through because the parents wouldn't pony up 4 months security. Two days after they said no the other agent who was involved in the deal (the one they didn't like) asked me what was going on. I gestured from across the office that it was a dead deal, surprised she didn't already know. She wore see-thru pants covered in jingle bells to work the next day. Someone in the office told her to turn down the volume on her pants. I just wish she would tamp down the loud voice she uses for any and all situations!

The apartment I showed (or tried to) at 7am--the Milan? At one point, I had FOUR sets of three working (not students) people looking for a share with 2 bathrooms for $5000 or under. Two rejected it after seeing it, one guy copped an attitude about having a job he couldn't leave in the middle of the day (he's the one I met out at 7am, and I can't totally blame him for copping the attitude) and the fourth wouldn't even go look at it because it was in Chelsea, not the West Village, Union Square or Tribeca. WTF? This was a good apartment and these people were crazy. I really do look at a lot of apartments and this one was a great deal. I stopped calling them back and gave them to a colleague when I left.

The doctor and the nurse. The Columbia grad and his girlfriend. They are crazy too. I found them the place they asked for right off the bat, but no, too many flights up. Ok, that's cool. We stayed in touch. A week or so later, another apartment comes up in that same building, on the second floor. I show it to him, he tells me that they have put in an application for a place on Sullivan street already (with someone else) but they want to keep their options open because the management company took multiple apps. Ok, that's cool. I show them a couple more things over the weekend, then Monday rolls around and he calls me, telling me that the didn't get the place because someone else offered to pay a year up front. Ok, so they ask me about the King street apartment, if it still available? Yes, it is. But it is for July 1. Ok they can work that out. Great, let's get her into see it since he was the only one so far to see it. Long gaps in between the phone calls, emails and text messages ensue. Missing information, unanswered questions, confusing responses. But they keep calling me back, which I find weird. With 10,000 brokers in New York City, I wonder how any customers find little old me. But they do, so whatever. I guess there are a lot of idiots out there. Anyway, by the time they get it together to say they're free and could I give them more info on some ads they found on our website (which sucks by the way) I responded that all the ads they saw on the website were old outdated, prices had gone up by 1/3 (sick, right?) and they had seen everything else out there with me or someone else. Take King street, take another place or wait until next month. Anyway, I handed them off to the Wonder Twins. Hope they close them.

The bra designer is signing her lease today. That's another crazy story. She agreed to a lease a month and a half ahead of schedule because she was afraid of losing the apartment, basically costing her an extra $3300. I'd like to come up with a word the is a hybrid of Manhattan and insanity. Get my gist? Little help, people?

On a positive note, the other agent involved in that deal (desk neighbor) and I made up during a shopping panic. She said I'm sorry and I finally believed it was not about her but about saying sorry. Cool.

One last development I'll discuss in another post. For now I need a glass of water.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

OMG wish me luck today!

So much has been going on and when I make it to California, I'll be sure to craft some ketchup stories of my real estate life. But for now, it is 7:30am and I still have stuff to do before I leave up outta here both in 30 minutes and tomorrow.

I am meeting the bra designer at 11 and expect to close her today, I hope to meet the Columbia doctor and his nurse girlfriend (I love them) sometime and close them too, and there's also an architect and fiance who have to move by the 15th. I showed him three good apartments yesterday afternoon and, unless he saw something else great today, should take one. But people have a way of surprising me with their nonsensical behavior.

Anyway, OMG OMG OMG, I gotta go!

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Well people, I've been swindled into getting up early once again to show an apartment. The last time that happened was Wednesday. It was 7 am, we didn't get in and I had to take the rest of the day off.

Today is a little different. The other agent volunteered he'd be there at 9 to supervise the workers. I'd really like to rent to this couple because we really bonded on the first day. The only thing annoying about them is that they have probably seen more property than I have. But he really did seem to like the place--it is quite charming.

After that I have my appointment, so I come back to Brooklyn for a while, then I am deciding if I go into work for a few hours or not. It's 7:44 am and it already feels like I've had a full day.

I've also tricked myself into going back to California for what seems like an inordinately long trip. Why? I'll find out, I guess. There must be something there I still need, you know besides friends and family. Although I am growing quite fond of Brooklyn and am really happy with my decision to commit to one residence. Last night I went out with some friends to the Meatpacking District. It was cheesy and fun and too loud and garish and tacky and I saw Lindsay Lohan. That's all I ever wanted, people! And I got it!

She was really orange. And I decided my haircut is too cool for the Meatpacking District. I am trying to think up a new area to take my haircut out for a spin. Someplace really cool. I am thinking of Park Slope tonight...

Me with a different haircut in the West Village, not orange and sitting with bad posture, getting ready to eat that ice cream baked potato from another post.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The New In and Out

Making quick decisions is the new thinking it over

Feeling good is the new feeling bad

Relaxing is the new working too hard

Time alone is the new socializing

It's "snap decision" summer, 2006

It's "self-acceptance" summer, 2006

Saying nothing is the new witty remark

Laughing at your own jokes has always been in, unless you are an out person

Not buying anything in the first place is the new shopping trend

Showing up has always been the in thing to do, but only if you're not attached

Blogging is out

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


This picture doesn't have anything to do with anything but I just like it.

I get this online horoscope sent to my work email every morning and a couple of days it has pretty close, if not right on the mark. One day it was about letting your emotions BE, without judgment. OK, got it. Yesterday, it was about letting your personal standards and ethics be your guide, not letting anyone else's bullshit make decisions for you. Now that was some exact shit! Sorry, I'm channeling Dave Chappelle; imagine that last sentence said in his voice.

Right now, I have at least two things (mutual clients/a "situation") going on that involve co-workers of mine with whom I don't exactly share a style, a code of ethics, an understanding of how to do things. I have my style, they have theirs. In the last few days, I have had three separate clients say to me, "We were working with ----, but we don't like her, we like you." It makes things very sticky and complicated when it comes to the money. Who cares who's client it was if the deal doesn't close, but when it gets close to it, tempers flare, emotions get out of whack and people get mean. And crazy.

I stuck to what I think is right and didn't open my mouth too much in both (open) cases and it seems the universe really is providing for me and reassuring me that what I am doing is just right. It's a great feeling to know that for right now, the moral rudder is doing the driving and that it is steering me toward success.

I'll get more into this when I have some more time to hash out the details and come up with funny nicknames for everyone.

Remind me to make a pedicure appointment for my mom's birthday.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Whole lotta

A whole lotta biz is going on right now. In fact, I am skipping my hot breakfast regimen so I can get to the office and talk to my boss before too many people are there. Most of the biz is good biz, some is not so. Nothing has popped yet so I'll have to go into it, I gotta GO! Think of me today folks, and imagine my complete and utter success!