Saturday, January 13, 2007

Wburg, partying with children

Barry Manilow

2 suffixes that are over and must never be mentioned again: -tastic, -tacular. Not cool.

K came up with this:
Kitch Punk=Punk with a Gimmick. Punk with Rainbows. Punk with Recorded Beats and matching shirts. Punk rock, I suppose, has designer (dressy) sweatshirts now, references the 80s, looks like it works at a suburban fried chicken place. Yes, I'm talking about Best Fwends, who showed fantastic enthusiasm and put on an all around good show. I guess that's where the 22-year olds are taking things these days. Fun stuff. Oh yeah, and I liked their banner.

Rainbow Brite
had some sharp dance moves. Very reminicent of the fence-hopping Coin Co-op/Casa Zimbabwe parties of the late 90s--the sprinkler and the bus driver and all that. I can thank JJ for opening up to me the world or narrated dance moves. Shell necklace and Wrong Crooked Hat had vanished or failed to truly capture my interest by then, so I gave Rainbow Brite my number and said we should hang out in Greenpoint!


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