Monday, November 06, 2006

Maybe dumb, maybe brilliant?

For the past 2 or 3 days, I have been obsessed with the Burg, an internet sitcom about Williamsburg. I thing it is really well done and super genius. I have been sending the link to all my friends insisting they watch it immediately, if not sooner. That kind of bossery is nothing new from me, but I digress.

This morning it occurred to me that maybe Home Buying for Hipsters<©> and the Burg could do some sort of coolaboration (no, that is not a typo. I found out today that irony is out and lame puns--wait, is that a pun?-- are IN!) for our event in January. I was so excited thinking about it today. Haven't figured out what exactly I imagine would work or be right, but I know something will bubble to the surface.

The next two months will be a lot of work for me. I have a lot to do and it will prove over and over I am sure, that I need to FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY. This is my winter motto. I want to try to put in the work, even though I am afraid of both the work and the results, positive and negative.

Also, FEEL THE COLD AND DO IT ANYWAY, since I am prone to getting cold and wanting to sit on the couch and watch TV for hours. In the last few months, I have started some habits I am proud of and would like to continue. Things like cooking dinner a lot, writing, practicing the guitar and drums, running and other exercising, nightwalk, and especially not watching TV most nights. Some of these came about as a result of dating the dude, but they must have been things I wanted anyway because he isn't around much anymore but the good habits still are. That makes me feel pretty good.


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