November, finally all caught up.
There was a lot of stuff I missed and plenty I chose to leave out, but I am more or less all caught up telling you what has happened in the last five months of my real estate life. Now seems to be the best and most exciting time I have had in real estate. I am on the cusp, on the verge of seeing what I want come to be. It is terrifying and wonderful.
This blog site dates the posts based on when they were originated not when they are released from draft mode and actually published, so this all is a little misleading. Today, the day I am typing these words, is November 6th, 2006. The emails below are from the past week.
To the dude, on November 1st, a day I decided to work from home:
I am living in San Francisco today. The weather is gray and not too hot or cold, seems like rain but can't really get there. I spent the morning writing at home and fielding ad calls. Will spend the afternoon the same way, but in the Greenpoint Coffee Shop, listening to pretty indie rock recordings, contemplating what is means to be a hipster. I may throw up on myself, but that would be nothing new.To awes. biz partner:
Heard from summer biz partner, finally. Home Buying for Hipsters<©> is on the "Approval Matrix" in this week's New York Magazine. We truly are living in strange times. I think they just want to have their bases covered in case it turns into something big, or big-ish.
Miss, Let's definitely get it together for our meeting Saturday w/WV. We can do it!! Also, I said I'd go to a show at Irving Plaza w/ DZ tomorrow night so no Basement.
Is this right? Tomorrow we have:
N, J, J, no L necessarily because 2 out of 3 apts don't take dogs
I'm feeling the fear but trying to do it anyway!
In Solidarity,
Here is the email we sent out following the NYPOST article:
Hello All of You!Just before my meeting w/WV, I got really freaked out and decided to write emails in the middle of the night:
L and I just wanted to share this story in today's New York Post with you and let you all know our first Home Buying for Hipsters<©> event was a big success. Thanks to Black Betty, our presenters Douglas Wagner (president of Benjamin James Associates), Lee Hamway (Pan Am Mortgage) and Scott Eisenberg (Real estate attorney).
For our information, please respond to the following:
How did you hear about Home Buying for Hipsters<©>?
Are you preparing to enter the market or already looking for property to purchase?
What has been your experience with New York City real estate/real estate professionals?
If you attended, was the presentation helpful? How?
Would you come to another free event and/or would you send friends?
We appreciate your feedback and look forward to working with any and all of you. We will be sure to let you know of future Hipster Real Estate events!
NY Post article
Do you have that fear of failure/fear of success thing too? I sure do. It extends to any creative or uncreative endeavor in my life. It causes paralysis and extreme guilt/shame for the paralysis. Cool, right? The only thing not susceptible to this intensely irritating concept is cooking.
I have this meeting with WV to show him our ideas (which I have never done and have barely know anything about!) which I had to change from Friday afternoon to Saturday morning and he seems a little pre-miffed. Somehow I see him as the gatekeeper of this thing. I totally don't have enough time to prepare in the way I want to because it turns out tomorrow should be a super busy day with appointments and maybe an application from these wacky young married kids + brother involving too much talking and guarantors in Florida. My cut would be about $2K.
I am keeping in communication with my fave sale client, but nothing is really happening there right now:
We are in agreement about real estate for the moment. A colleague and I are working on a book proposal for Home Buying for Hipsters<©>. We meet with my friend's dad tomorrow morning to share our ideas and get some further direction. I worried myself into a poor night's sleep last night but know that ultimately, whatever happens is ok.
The dude is around, marginally. We communicate sporadically, which is just fine for now. I feel busy lately (with rentals and other stuff) and, though not quite ready to let go of it all, I am a lot less attached to all of it with him. We ran into each other on the street last weekend, which was nice. Hopped a fence together. He made us hot chocolate. Fun.
(These are the things I said, and I meant them when I said them, but also I want to mean them probably more than I do. The real way I feel is that it is hard, I miss the fun and I just want to be loved and included. I am happy and living productively and enjoying every day and taking care of myself and all the other good stuff too, but it doesn't mean I am not subject to moods about dudes.)
This exuberant validation came from my friend, neighbor, fan and cheerleader (and nightwalk partner):
...the article is FANTASTIC!!! The best part is where they quoted you as saying, "...these are my people." You're like the Empress of Real Estate. FANTASTIC!!! I love that the article is pretty much just about you.
She called me the Empress of Real Estate, cute.
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