October. I am really on my way now. Rentals with new biz partner are a dream. Going really well. Two sale clients and I really feel like I am getting the hang of everything and doing it with grace. I am exercising a lot and lost 10 lbs without trying. Had to get all my pants altered. I feel good. I am sleeping better. I am drinking, which is confusing but I am trying not to judge myself, which is hard. Home Buying for Hipsters<©> is firmly in place and as soon as we have the flyer we can start to advertise. This ends up coming together at the last minute, but in the most spectacular way. We are on several Manhattan media/gossip blogs, ripping us to shreds, of course, for our amateurish presentation, but what the hell? The word hipster seems to have lit a fire, which is cool. I really feel on the verge of something great--if I can massage it into place.
Communication and dates with the dude are sporadic and confusing. I can't figure things out. The dates are always fun, but I can't relate to how he feels about things and I can't tell if we're allowed to talk about it or if that makes things too heavy. Something doesn't feel right. Mid-month I send him a long long long note firing him from dating me. Later that same night we slept together, which was super fun. Oops. Like I said, I can't figure things out. I've resolved to stop trying, which is pretty hard.
Some emails:
The meeting with L and father went well. There were awkward parts but I really tried not to (incorrectly) answer questions I am not sure about. There are lots of them. I invited dad to Home Buying for Hipsters<©> as a place where he can get a lot of him questions answered by longtime professionals of the industry. We ended up seeing 5 properties, only one of which was new to L and me--hideous. I now have to send him a bunch of spreadsheets and apt. info sheets because not only do I think they are helpful but he seems to need some paper to make it all real. The afternoon was long and tiring, but seemed very productive. Tomorrow afternoon and Monday evening I have the girl who wants to move soon. I don't know how people juggle having multiple sale clients. I suppose I will figure it out pretty soon, since that is where I am aiming myself.
I just almost threw up in a limo as it was driving in front of your house. Seriously. No, it isn't what you think. Hipster Seminar partner and I got picked up almost an hour late in front of our office by this limo to go to a broker event at the E (around the corner from your house) that was supposed to be from 2-4. I think we got there at about 3:20 after the longest, traffickiest, jerkiest, car sickest, uncool limo ride EVER! It stopped being hilarious at about 14th street and 4th Ave. I still feel sick, but maybe that's because I didn't eat lunch, trying to get all my work done in a hurry since I was supposed to go to this stupid thing and the manager was 2 hours late opening up the office. !! I was going out to Jackson Heights tonight to show property (spent all morning arranging) but then, on the walk over the P. Bridge, it started raining. A lot. Clop clop clop in my dumb heels. Who is a professional now? I can't do it and rescheduled for Sunday, which I was going to take off. I am laughing at my day, though, keeping a good attitude.
Aforementioned drinking loosened up my skillz in Spanish:
Ustedes van a venir a mi clase Home Buying para los Hipsters<©>? Especiales de bebidas, come on!! Nacho, debes decir a tu esposa que muchacha hilariosa soy. Yo quisiera pasar una noche o un dia con ustedes muy soon. Okay? Dime cuando y yo vengo.
Real estate is going well now that I ditched the not-so-hot business partner I had and got an awesome one. We are on our second deal together and have a home buying seminar planned for Tuesday. I think I sent you the flyer.
New York is cool. I saw H last week for my haircut, which was fun. Her brother is having a baby. M comes back soon from her month long trip to Europe. G should also be getting back from her trip to Japan. Where have I been? Florida and Maine. That's it. Oh, and Queens. And Staten Island.
Miss you miss,
PS. I'm YOUR biggest fan, jerk!
I forgot to call you back. I think I sent you the link to the 10/23 gawker.com story and also there should be a link to 10/23 curbed.com. The NY Post interviewed my boss and wants to meet us and is coming tomorrow night. Muy exciting!
The New York Post is coming to Home Buying for Hipsters<©>--wants to meet us. Yesterday afternoon we were on Curbed and Gawker, being ripped to shreds for the clunky flyer but hey, publicity is publicity, especially when it is free. I just hope people show up. L and I did get a few inquiries from people we didn't know. I think we actually put "look cute" on our to do list.
Friday I had a lease signing and today I am meeting with my client and the owner of a building to try to get him approved. He has bad credit. I continue to pursue my $2300 from the last old biz partner deal. If all goes well, I'll have a great month, which I need and deserve. Thanks for the vote of encouragement. I am drunk on success and my impending tiny paragraph in Thursday's Post. SO EXCITED!
People who showed up weren't snarky.
My Home Buying for Hipsters<©> was a big success. On Monday afternoon we were on www.curbed.com and www.gawker.com (you can look it up and read people's snarky comments!) and then the NY Post called my boss and he gave an interview. About 30 people showed up to Black Betty, including a reporter and photographer from the Post. I gave a clumsy interview (I was way nervous) but relaxed once the guy put him notebook away. I hope I made a good impression. If it is going in the paper, it will be Thursday. I think we will schedule another one soon and try to capitalize on our little media buzz, which is SO EXCITING!!
Well, well, well. More snarky comments on curbed.com TODAY! 10/26. I have to say, I am thrilled. I never expected the word hipster to garner such attention in the "over it" world of New York City. Just wait until I break out the word hipsterati!
More bitchy comments TODAY on curbed! Can you say, "15 minute media buzz"?
From Hipster Partner:
Milan/Bad Credit called me at 7am and asked if we could meet at 4 instead. He just finished his workday and was delirious. So he'll be coming to the office with check
around 4-4:30.
Wacky, Young and Married emailed that she wants to go for the apartment. I followed up with all the details she needs to provide, including the deposit and all, and I haven't heard back yet. Hopefully, we'll have news by mid-afternoon. And hopefully, it's not gone.
I'll be in the office by 10:30 or so. See you later.
I am practicing the guitar. I expect myself to come in by 11 or 12 but will definitely be reachable on the telephone.
Depending on what else your day entails, maybe we can go somewhere and brainstorm/take notes for our meeting. Naturally I am including you, but please let me know at any time if this is something you aren't interested in pursuing or whatever else. I think it could be good.
OK, Bad Credit, Wacky, HOT STUFF!!! She won't materialize until after 12, right? Let's get her $1000!
October closed with another couple of deals under the belt, a very successful first try at Home Buying for Hipsters<©>, a thus far a very functional partnership and lots of hope and positive energy in the job zone for me. The two sale clients are fading for now, but not gone. I am not worried about it, focusing on rentals and side projects for now.
The dude remains a marginal figure. When I stop and think about it, it makes me feel sad and a little rejected, but as Amy says, life is long and lots of things happen, you never know. Just give it air. So that's what I'm doing, giving it air.
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