September starts, I am on top of the Moon. It has been ages since I really liked someone and felt like I knew what I was doing in life. Now, I have both. I really felt on the cusp of getting it right in rental world and didn't feel to alien in the Brooklyn sale market either. I am starting to really KNOW the property in the city, GET when customers are real and when they're not, feel easy talking to them because I actually know what I am talking about. My first Home Buying for Hipsters<©> is a mere weeks away and it couldn't have come together in an easier way. I am thrilled that I am following through on something I dreamed up months ago. That never seemed to happen before.
And this hamburger. I am going to have to find a new name because that one is only fitting for the last guy. He is so great, so cool, so nice and smart and funny, I can barely handle it. Everything that comes out of his mouth makes pinch myself to see if it is all real. He likes all the same stuff I do, goes to the same school I did, studies the same thing I majored in. Stupid stuff, like drinking seltzer and doing yoga and liking Frank Black. Important stuff like going to therapy and exercising and eating right and boundaries and working toward goals. His voice, I like his voice. And he's tall enough and has a nice smile and big hands and dresses well and wears shoes, not sneakers, but shoes. And he calls me by my name. Important. A turn-on.
To my roommate while she was away:
I think I totally almost have a summer boyfriend, now that the summer is over. But it hasn't reached beyond the friend realm, technically, of my own design, because when you get physical, things get weird fast, so I'm not doing anything until I want to or am ready to. Plus I am not sure about a couple of things, like stuff he told me about himself. This afternoon we went to PS1 to view art, walked around the neighborhood, went to the park on the water and laid on the grass, sat in the other park and drank seltzer and ate raisins while he told he used to use do drugs (quit 5 years ago, supposedly). Later we came over to Greenpoint and bought groceries and made the hippy meal. He went home at 11:30. Perfect.To the dude:
I guess I am really not cool AT ALL and am just a big prude. My biz partner told me she has a commercial client who wants to put a STRIP BAR in Prime Williamsburg and asked me to help her and I said no, I wasn't interested at all. I don't want that shit in my neighborhood. She asked me if I wanted his money (he can put a million down). I said no. Because I am still left with the consequences of the deal. I am not cool. But it feels so right! Ha ha ha..About the dude to a friend in SF:
Your style of restraint kind of failed me in the grossest way--I emotionally barfed all over that dude that I am getting to know. It was mortifying and cringey, but I think ultimately did no harm. Ultimately. We had this too long, too intense conversation about how we liked each other and how he is not into a girlfriend (yawn) because he is all messed up over his ex. It was like all the words jumped out of my mouth and I couldn't get them back. GROSS! I realized, I think, that the intensity of the conversation was misplaced, meant for ones I never could have with the ex, but of course not about either man. Ultimately. We are going out tomorrow night again. To the opera in Central Park.An exchange with a pop star friend who contacted me about finding them a place to buy in Brooklyn then disappeared for months, as yet not resurfaced:
Hey E,
How's the biz. What if we could scrounge 150-200K for downpayment and afford 2K/month payments? Could we get something in nyc, brooklyn, queens, anywhere? Hope all is well....
P.s. What's your phone number?
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.
I am sorry we haven't been able to connect just yet. I just looked at your tour schedule for this month and it looks intense! I do see that you'll be in the city at the end of the month so I am totally available and willing to get together and talk or even show you some apartments! I recommend your talking to a mortgage broker to get a clear idea of what you can afford and hopefully even get your pre-approval. I have some names if you need them.
Keep in touch as you are able, I hope to see you soon.
Hey J,Back to the email volley with the dude:
I'd love to see you guys at the end of the month and start up with all this house/apartment stuff if you're up for it! I am perpetually around and as of right now, don't have any trips planned. I wish you had been here last night because we had a Home Buying 101 meeting given by me and my boss. We also had a mortgage broker on hand to talk about his part in the process. It was kind of a mini version off what I want to do in Brooklyn for the hipsters. There is another event next week on Thursday but I think yous are still playing shows. You might even think about meeting with a mortgage broker to get a good idea of your finances in these terms.
Call me when you're in town,
If I complete these 2 sales this year with these friends of friends people and continue to do rentals also, I should make at least what you make this year. Right now I don't quite make that.
Pesky Korean should be bring $500 to the open house I am meeting him at this afternoon. ABC! (reference to Glengarry Glen Ross, which I JUST SAW in August).
Yes, I want to have dinner later.
Just woke up. Sheesh.Me:
Re: strip bar
I think you're nuts and entirely agree with biz partner. A strip bar is not equal to a child labor camp in Calcutta. While there may be some issues about the objectification of/compromising the woman to the male gaze (blah blah blah), the bottom line is the American greenback dollar! I appreciate your values but I'd like you better if you had a million bucks.
I would like me better with a million dollars, too.To the Bone:
To the dude:
Things are good in Evel's world. I have 2-3 possible sale clients, which rules. I think they will be loyal too, which is just what I need. My hair is looking awesome these days, which is also just what I need. I drink a little, about 2 drinks a week. I was having really terrible insomnia for a week so when I went to visit my grandma in Florida I quit coffee, which was easier than I thought, but I love that stuff and miss it terribly, for the taste and the ritual, not the caffeine. I am hoping to get my Hollywood Grill look (white teeth) going now that all the things that stain your teeth have been eliminated from my life. My grandma gave me some Crest Whitestrips. They are gross.
I hope this is all making you chuckle. I am having lipgloss for breakfast. Hey, it tastes like strawberries! Tell me of your adventures and insights!
I am at work today, supposedly I have some appointments. I look like a closer today. Still no coffee, though. More computering and looking for all cash places in G-Point. I have to go home by 5:30 so I can meet Y for extreme suffering at the YMCA. Oh, and I am bringing you the sandwich for lunch. Exciting, right?
I have my first real sale client this weekend. She is from an extended friend group. I was totally honest with her about my skills, experience and commitment. She's into it. We are going to see stuff in Greenpoint this weekend. !
To a friend in SF:
Real estate is going ok. I spent part of the summer working with this girl I don't totally love working with but we were so busy it seemed like a good idea. I am thinking it is time to start to go our separate ways, business-wise, but it is a little complicated since we sit next to one another. I have an awesome sale customer I just started working with in GREENPOINT, which is fun. I hope to have another coming soon, my pop star friends. We seem to have trouble connecting on the phone or the email in a timely fashion.More emails to the dude:
Why? Wide awake, not tired, stuff to do tomorrow. French girls' apartment not secure, 2nd deal up, French lawyer at 10:45, no social security number, but getting picky. Only West Village, budget went up $300. Why? New client, from Sweden, works at UN, diplomat? If so, problems. Why?(No dice, a sign of things to come).
These French people will be my end. Two deals pending, but no feelings of security at all.
Tonight I have a home buying meeting at my office for an hour or hour and a half. I don't know where you are as far as your houseguests, your cold, your busyness, but if you want to hang out with me you can come get me at the office when you are finished with your class.
I think this was a note I wrote to my cousin:
I am in NYC for the foreseeable future, no plans right now to go out there, sorry. I am trying to focus on my job/career in real estate. I spent the last year mostly doing rentals (as you know from my blog--I have been quite errant in my entries, but truth be told I got a little bored!) and am now moving slowly into sales. Tonight, in fact, I have a home buying 101 meeting at my office with some of my boss' girlfriend's friends (all women in their 30s) about the process of buying a home in New York. He will do the talking and I will be standing by ready to become their agent!More:
90% closed a deal today, lease signing on Monday. Fingers crossed it works. After work in Madison Park listening to jazz trio and brass pops orchestra. My friend plays trumpet. Fun. I saw another broker there but chose not to say hi, even though I like him.
This Thursday, Sept 28th, there is a home buying class from 6-8 in the city. Please feel free to come. I'll send you the invite when I get it. Also, we scheduled Home Buying for Hipsters<©> for October 24th at Black Betty in Williamsburg! The planning isn't done, but so far it has been easy and natural in the way it has come together. I hope you guys can come to one or the other and when I send the email invites you should feel free to invite any and everyone. The event is not exactly how I envisioned it, but pretty close and MUCH easier. Cool, huh?
September ended and so did my partnership with the biz partner. She got a job doing something else then promptly fell of the face of the Earth. Sometimes things just take care of themselves. I had been to Michigan with my mom to a visit relatives and return grandma's old Buick to my uncle, since it seemed like it was time to retire it. I was sad about giving up the car and mourned its absence for a few weeks.
I also started to freak out about how things were going with the dude because it didn't seem as smooth and fun as it had been when we first started kissing. And it seemed too early for anything to be weird or hard or anything but great and all permanent smiles. I hated the idea that this guy I had decided was so perfect for me might not feel the same or just might not be in the same place. FUCK!!!
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