Monday, January 16, 2006

Monday Morning

Well, now it is 8:41 am and who can guess what I am doing? Not only do I have the recent remains of mild illness keeping me in bed, but also guilt of not having gotten up and showered before my landlord turned off the water for the next 8 hours. No heat, no shower, no breakfast. I'd like to believe I am trapped here in bed, watching DVDs on the computer and writing this thing, but it isn't really true.

Yesterday, I went to some Brooklyn open houses I had told my clients about. I went in a slight panic, hoping to run into them, since I botched the protocol when letting them know about these properties. I wanted them to go around town WITH me, so as I could "register" them as my clients, thus cutting myself into the deal should they decide to put in an offer. That isnt how it went. They told me they didn't want to make plans with me since they had a baby and couldn't be counted on to be at a certain place at a certain time. I reluctantly said ok and gave them the addresses and open house times anyway, not feeling great about it. So yesterday I dragged myself out of bed around 11:30 to get to the first open house by 1. I went, saw that they had been there, and left for the next one. By the fourth, I ran into them, which turned out to be a good thing, secretly what I wanted. We talked. They liked the apartments I had been sending them to (YES!) but truth be told, they weren't ready to put in an offer anywhere. We are looking at March. It is just like rentals, I guess. If they aren't ready, they aren't ready, and no perfect place is going to make anyone pull the trigger.

Speaking of which, I have to call my Australian with the giant furniture. I like her but I don't want her energy assholing up my world anymore. The 1800 SF floor-thru in the financial district listing broker has now offered to deal and I just want to get her into an apartment and be done at this point. I am tired of her complaining.

Oh, so back to Monday. I am an independent contractor. I can lay in bed on Monday morning, sick, dirty and cold, pounding out comments and complaints into my computer and no one cares. Except me, and I have to get over that. But that's why I am working with the healer.


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